

How do we plant trees?

We knew we wanted to add a sustainability aspect to the core of our business right from the start. By partnering with Eden Reforestation Projects, we made it a reality.

Eden is a non-profit organization that works in developing countries to reduce extreme poverty and restore healthy forests. They now operate in eight different nations; Madagascar, Haiti, Nepal, Indonesia, Mozambique, Kenya, Honduras and Nicaragua.

Whenever you buy a pair of PAIROs, we make a donation so that trees are planted in any of these countries!


Why Mangroves?

Mangroves are one of the most effective and economic methods of offsetting carbon emissions. Each mangrove tree planted by Eden Reforestation Projects removes over 308kg (680lbs) of CO2 from the atmosphere over the growth life of the tree. This calculates to an average of 12.3kg per year per tree.

Scientific studies have shown that Mangroves sequester carbon at a rate two to four times greater than mature tropical forests, and contain the highest carbon density of all terrestrial ecosystems.


Follow our Progress!

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We have planted over 5,800 trees to date.